Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why not to cheat yourself at an exam?

Exam is when your skills or knowledge is evaluated and any person should not try to violate examination rules specially by cheating for the sake getting through the opportunity. You attend to a course not just because your parents push you, but because you actually value its end result. If you personally do not like or show any interest to follow the course, just don’t do it for the sake of doing something. As an example, one can pursue a bachelor´s degree realizing that it would lead him for better job opportunities and then better prospects in the society. Be conscious about why you are doing something in life always. I believe that if we really know why we enroll for a field of study, there will be less infringement and cheating at examinations.

You cheat at an exam reveals about you that you are not confident enough or worthwhile to get through that stage of life. Even if you cheat and get through one time, there will always be a second time in which you would not be able to escape. Sooner or later, your knowledge and capabilities would come into show and by that day people will laugh at you. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as Einstein once said and I personally believe in this rule to be very true with most of the scenarios in life. It is a fact that in life we all are not equally talented to do the same thing, so try to find your most passionate field. You do good deeds, and you will return better. If you do not know things, learn and become capable without cheating, since that means you end up cheating yourself only. Else, you will be in great danger when you are put into a situation, where you really have to do some real work by yourself only.

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