Monday, February 23, 2015

Why not super rich stop making money?

Super rich or the upper class in our societies do exist in big time in the present day and it is growing enormously whereas the other society classes are being affected  constantly with the bombarding news about these super rich life styles. Countries, governments and businesses are encouraging this class of the society to prevail and grow into more wealth in today´s world, where one in nine people is suffering from chronic undernourishment according to statistics. People who are promoting the super-rich crowd assume they can gain/earn more money when super rich invest on other facilities which in turn can be given to the middle and poor class people in a society and this fact has become merely a dream vision which had never come true. With super rich being more and more wealthy, their expenditures and expectations grow to a higher level for which they try to gain more and more money to satisfy them. But, this money supply is the only income that the other classes of the society have to survive. This had resulted in greater divisions among society levels that people have already started hating super rich kind.

Why authorities cannot have any control over the money flow of super-rich? Why government can´t bring special rules, regulations and tax schemes to take more from this upper class to distribute to the rest of the world and equalize their expenditures reasonably? Why even these super rich kind do not have humanity to observe what other human are going through in the world?


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